Have you ever had one of those moments when everything stops and you know your soul is not only speaking to you, but it's screaming at you? That’s what it felt like in October 2018 when I first opened the pages of Dare to Lead. I was on a plane to London and had 10 hours to settle in with Brené, my book and my Bubbly. I was only a few pages in when the tears began to flow. Tears of truth, tears of knowing, tears of open-heartedness and tears of my inner voice screaming at me with the words, “You are meant to do this work, you are meant to do this work”. And in that rare moment when I had a direct link to my Higher Purpose I also began to quiet and question that voice.
What do you mean, “I’m meant to do this work”? I haven’t even gotten half-way thru the damn book yet. And yet, the voice continued, “You are meant to do this work, you are meant to do this work”. As I tried to hide my tears, they continued to flow with every turn of the page. Over my 50+ years, I’ve learned to trust my tears and tears for me always mean one thing… The Truth has been spoken.
I was traveling to London for a client and as I was teaching the workshop a participant from Russia said, “Have you ever heard of Brené Brown because what you’re saying reminds me of her Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability. I laughed… and said, “I HAVE heard of her and was just reading her newest book, Dare to Lead on the flight over”. I was smiling on the inside thinking, “Ok, Universe… I saw what you did there… Nudge #2 and all the way from Russia none the less.
After a successful few days in London, I boarded my flight headed home and was incredibly grateful to have one of those seats where you feel like no one can see you, no one can disturb you, or no one even knows you are there. Because I had a book to finish and if those tears showed up again, I didn’t want to have to hide them or figure out where to stash my Kleenex while reading a book on leadership. So, once again… I settled in for 10 hours with Brené, my Book and my Bubbly. And once again the tears started to flow with the same inner voice repeating, “You are meant to do this work, you are meant to do this work”.
What do you mean, “I’m meant to do this work”? I haven’t even gotten half-way thru the damn book yet. And yet, the voice continued, “You are meant to do this work, you are meant to do this work”. As I tried to hide my tears, they continued to flow with every turn of the page. Over my 50+ years, I’ve learned to trust my tears and tears for me always mean one thing… The Truth has been spoken.
I was traveling to London for a client and as I was teaching the workshop a participant from Russia said, “Have you ever heard of Brené Brown because what you’re saying reminds me of her Ted Talk on the Power of Vulnerability. I laughed… and said, “I HAVE heard of her and was just reading her newest book, Dare to Lead on the flight over”. I was smiling on the inside thinking, “Ok, Universe… I saw what you did there… Nudge #2 and all the way from Russia none the less.
After a successful few days in London, I boarded my flight headed home and was incredibly grateful to have one of those seats where you feel like no one can see you, no one can disturb you, or no one even knows you are there. Because I had a book to finish and if those tears showed up again, I didn’t want to have to hide them or figure out where to stash my Kleenex while reading a book on leadership. So, once again… I settled in for 10 hours with Brené, my Book and my Bubbly. And once again the tears started to flow with the same inner voice repeating, “You are meant to do this work, you are meant to do this work”.
After arriving home jet-legged, exhausted and unable to sleep, my inner voice yet again yelled at me. But this time, it said, “Go to Brené’s website”. And guess what was front and center? An announcement: “Now taking applications to become a Dare to Lead Facilitator. Now mind you, I had never once gone to https://brenebrown.com/ and before you knew it, I was applying to become a Dare to Lead Facilitator. The application took hours and I didn’t submit it right away as I wanted to wait for the perfect day since this whole process was feeling very magical and divinely led. I waited until November 7th which was my 18th Wedding Anniversary. I figured that date had been a good one since we’d been married almost 20 years. On 11/7/18, I hit submit.
Fast Forward: In December I found out I was selected. In June I went to San Antonio to be trained by Brené Brown herself (and yes, she is even better in person) and now I’m officially a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator.
There are no words to describe the magical journey that has brought me to this point. And without a doubt, I know I am meant to do this work. Our world is in desperate need of brave, courageous and open-hearted leaders and I am honored to be a vessel of the work. Whether I’m sharing Dare to Lead with Individuals or Organizations, it is transforming our world. It may have taken a trip to London, a participant from Russia but this girl from small town Bend received the message loud and clear. It’s time for all of us to Shine Bright, Be Brave & Dare to Lead.
Fast Forward: In December I found out I was selected. In June I went to San Antonio to be trained by Brené Brown herself (and yes, she is even better in person) and now I’m officially a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator.
There are no words to describe the magical journey that has brought me to this point. And without a doubt, I know I am meant to do this work. Our world is in desperate need of brave, courageous and open-hearted leaders and I am honored to be a vessel of the work. Whether I’m sharing Dare to Lead with Individuals or Organizations, it is transforming our world. It may have taken a trip to London, a participant from Russia but this girl from small town Bend received the message loud and clear. It’s time for all of us to Shine Bright, Be Brave & Dare to Lead.